

2023/01/16 Notice of change in "Functional Biomolecular Science" Lecture schedule
2022/12/23 The class of 『Imaging Science』 starts on Junuary 12, 2023
2022/12/23 The class of 『Functional Biomolecular Science』 starts on Jan 5, 2023
2022/11/22 Notice of change in "Developmental Biology II" Lecture schedule
2022/10/11 The class of 『Evolutionary Genetics』 starts on November 11
2022/10/11 The class of 『Developmental Biology II』 starts on Nov 7
2022/10/11 The class of 『 Integrated Evolutionary Biology』 starts on November 4
2022/09/01 List of lectures in the second semester of 2022 !!!